Time really does fly! It’s time to finalize everything and get ready for Madrid. After getting the ESP32 to work, we gathered up and helped each other to combine all of our parts for the final system to work. Everyone has their own way to wire up the system. Below is my personal setup
It looks as messy as life but don’t be intimidated by that 😆. The most important thing here is the destinations of the wires.
- GND should always be wired to the ESP32’s GND pin.
- VCC should always be wired to either 3V3 or 5V pin. In this case, the LCD’s VCC will be wired to 5V but the BMP280’s and the NEO7M’s VCC should be wired to 3V3 pin.
- SDA should go to the G21 and SCL should go to the G22 pin because that’s the ESP32’s pins for SDA and SCL.
- RX goes to G17 and TX goes to G16. This is really tricky. Even though we wire RX and TX like this, in the code we have to swap them like this: RXPin = 16 and TXPin = 17.
Most of us had problems with the GPS sensor and at first, our team thought that it was because there was something wrong with our code. But we safeguarded our code so if there was any problem, the LCD should be stuck at “Booting GPS” screen. Most of the time, the LCD wasn’t stuck at “Booting GPS” screen so we knew that it wasn’t because of the wiring but the sensor itself. We realized that we should be outside, under plain view for the sensor to work because probably the windows in Finland messes up with the radio wave.
After creating and wiring up the final system, we tested the system with the final code and everything worked. We’re super happy with the result and ready for the Madrid trip!